Introduction to Campaign Mode


1) Each player is dealt two Roles and chooses one. They will have this Role for the entirety of the campaign. With the exception of the Master Carpenter, each Role can only be used once on any given turn.
2) Choose two Heroes. These will be your Core Heroes for the entirety of the six-game Campaign. 
3) Randomly (or not) choose 6 Masterminds and 6 Schemes. If you're hardcore, do this randomly; if not so much, then put the grimmest Masterminds (The Kraken/Big Demon Guy With Scythe) at the bottom (if you've drawn them). 
4) Randomly choose two more Heroes. 
5) Flip over the top Scheme and top Mastermind, figure out your supporting Villains and Henchmen (randomly, usually). Now, you're ready to play. 

--- HOWEVER, if you see a Scheme you think is too tough, or a Mastermind that is too tough, each player may choose to put a Goomba in their deck. (Goombas are useless Jack Tars that read: "KO this Hero.") If you do so, put the Scheme you rejected at the bottom of the remaining Schemes, or similarly for the Mastermind. Note that this means you will be facing those eventually. 

If you reject both, that's two Goombas per player, put in each players' decks for only this game. 


Merh We Lost

-- Don't beat yourself up, first game is usually the toughest! Start again. If this was your second game or beyond, though, and you wish to continue ... roll once on the Campaign Mode: Villain chart, and try again, with the same Villains, Henchmen, Scheme, and Mastermind. Probably the same Heroes, but if you want to get two new ones, we won't stop you.

We Won! We're The Best! 

Go you! Now comes the fun part. 

1) Each player rolls twice on the Campaign Mode: Player Boosts chart. 
    -- There are a lot of new cards generated but eventually you will have to right click on cards added to your deck to add text (e.g., "Counts as Punch. Range/Covert: +1$$, +1//, Draw a Card.") 
    -- For both cards added to your deck, and boosts to your Role, keep track on the notecards provided. 

2) Roll three times on the Campaign Mode: Villain Boosts chart. Keep track of the boosts on a notecard, and for boosts that trigger on Master Strikes/Schemes, put a marker or a die somewhere close (or on) those decks to remind you to trigger those effects when the occur. 

3) Choose two new Heroes to travel with your two Core Heroes. 

4) Flip over the new Mastermind and new Scheme, Goomba'ing yourselves if you want to delay them. 

5) Randomly choose new Henchmen from the Henchmen that have not been played. 

6) Randomly choose new Villains from the Villains that have not been played. 

7) Keep grinding! 

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